Magnifying Excellence

Dr. Gerald E. Harmon - Why We Should Heed His Advice About Excellence, More (#18) - Magnifying Excellence Season 2 Episode 18

This could be our most important episode to date.

Dr. Gerald E. Harmon is a practicing family medical specialist and also the president of the American Medical Association. At arguably no time in our history due to Covid-19 and other medical issues, is serving these roles been more important.

In this episode, Dr. Harmon shares the excellence he witnesses from his colleagues, his definition of Excellence, why taking the advice of medical professionals is a little bit of Excellence, the impact of Covid-19 and why vaccinations are important, and more.

Dr. Harmon's bio is filled with Excellence, including serving as major general in the Air Force, chief physician for the National Guard Bureau and assistant surgeon general for the U.S. Air Force. He has also been decorated with the Air Force Commendation Medal and the Humanitarian Service Medal and other honors.

"One of the things I've learned with excellence is that my patients can trust me.," Harmon said during the episode. "They can trust their provider, the healthcare provider, whether it's me as a physician, whether it's someone coming in and taking their vital signs, (or anyone in the medical field. ) I've given interviews and people have said, 'what's the most important thing you've learned in medicine? And what's the most valuable thing you've taken away?' I think the most valuable thing I would take away is that people have trusted me. I've earned a patient's trust."

Dr. Harmon offers terrific advice  throughout the episode, medical and otherwise.

That's why I dubbed him, Dr. Advice.

I hope you enjoy the episode. --Brian Hurlburt, host.

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