Magnifying Excellence

Sam Schmidt - How and Why Paralysis Led to True Excellence (#14) - Magnifying Excellence Season 2 Episode 14

It would seem as if being permanently paralyzed in a racing car accident would be the worst day of a person's life.

For today's guest, Sam Schmidt, it just might have been one of the best days of his life. Listen now as he take a deep dive of his Excellence journey with us.

Former Indy Car champion Sam Schmidt defines true  Excellence.  This episode explores his amazing story of being an Indy Car champ, paraplegic, a return to racing, successful entrepreneurship, race team owner, philanthropist and more.

From Schmidt's episode:

"I think one of the more enlightening observations is that when I was young, I was arguing pretty selfish. And  I thought I felt satisfaction in only  generating excellence with myself, but now I think I find more satisfaction in helping to cultivate the experts and others. And I realized totally that I had professional athlete insurance, and resources and an education and a support system, and  that enabled me to continue on post my accident and probably do a heck of a lot more with my life in this situation than I would have out of a wheelchair."

Listen to his amazing and inspirational story now.