Magnifying Excellence

NBA's Greg Anthony - Perseverance and the Power of No Fear of Failure - Episode 8 - Magnifying Excellence Season 1 Episode 8

It's time for another timeless journey of Excellence, when our guests talk exclusively and candidly about their journeys of Excellence like never before. This is not a glorification of excellence, but a deep examination of the all-encompassing path of Excellence. Hosted by Brian Hurlburt.

Our guest this week is Greg Anthony, an NCAA national champion (UNLV), 11-year NBA veteran, current NBA announcer and business person.


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Greg's Takeaways

"Excellence is obviously a powerful word. I think Excellence is the ability to have a high level of consistency. As human beings, we have faults and flaws, and we're not perfect, but Excellence  is when you approach the challenge of trying to be perfect and you create a level of consistency."

"I think we always want to focus on Excellence being relative to your circumstance"

"Jerry Tarkanian instilled confidence in me"

"Pat Riley instilled confidence in the team"

"It's really important to set markers that you want to aspire to, because that creates an environment where you can go and pursue (Excellence) without fear of failure or fault, and not be worried about being judged."

"I think you have to find something you genuinely care about.  You want to find something you're passionate about and that passion will create the journey for you. If you truly love something enough, that that should bring about a certain level of focus and discipline that you have to have to be good at anything." 

Greg's Story

Greg’s path of Excellence has been winding, from growing up without his father’s influence, to being under-recruited out of high school, to  playing through a broken jaw during the 1990 UNLV national championship season, to other obstacles hurdled, but through it all, his perseverance has never been in short supply.

The city of Las Vegas and the 1990 UNLV team bonded in a special way and the foundation of it all were teammates that played for, and trusted, each other. under legendary coach Jerry Tarkanian. 

In addition to an 11-year NBA career including on some legendary New York Knicks teams playing for another legendary coach, Pat Riley, Greg has also been my friend since third grade, when we played on the same basketball team for three years. 

These days, Anthony is a respected NBA television announcer and also president of Altitude International, a company that is bringing a new and innovative Excellence to sports training. He’s also the father of four, including NBA rookie, Cole, of the Orlando Magic, and daughter, Ella, a top-ranked high school player.

We invite you take another journey of Excellence with us. Please stay tuned and thanks for listening.